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A Comparison of Long-Term and Short-Term Residential Treatment Programs for Dual Diagnosis Patients Psychiatric Services

If you have a mental illness and a physical disability you may need housing features like ramps or alarms with blinking lights. Many people with mental illness also may not drive and therefore would need a home close to treatment providers and community resources, as well as public transportation. An important part of housing is the freedom to choose where and what type you want.

Staff discuss the recovery housing option with all clients as part of the intake process and individuals may enter or exit recovery housing at any point during the course of their care at the site. To address shortcomings experienced by clients attending substance use treatment, services that can augment the care that traditional substance use treatment programs provide may be necessary. Indeed, these sorts of services, aptly named recovery support services, are steadily growing in popularity and acceptance (Laudet & Humphreys, 2013).


Analyses included only variables missing less than 30% of cases, with all but one variable missing less than 10% of cases. We used Little’s test of missing completely at random (MCAR) and its extension for testing the covariate-dependent missingness (CDM) to ensure the appropriateness of using variables with partially observed data (Li, 2013; Little, 1988). The CDM test including recovery housing status was non-significant, meaning that the missing-data mechanism could be reasonably viewed as CDM given this variable. We estimated frequencies and measures of central tendency to summarize client characteristics.

To help you choose, ARTA categorizes its residential mental health facilities into four types. The types of services and programs that each sober living home offers will vary depending on the residence and a person’s specific needs. If you or a loved one is transitioning into recovery housing, it’s important to work with your treatment team to make sure the residence offers the appropriate care. In the study that Laudet and colleagues (2009) conducted, two-thirds of the clients who left treatment (67.2%) said that nothing could have been done by the program to keep them engaged in services.

How Much Does Recovery Housing Cost?

Table 1 shows the comparison for engagement and six-month outcomes between the short-term group and the long-term group. Patients in the long-term program were significantly more likely to become engaged in treatment, and after discharge they were more likely to maintain abstinence and less likely to experience homelessness. No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups at follow-up for measures of incarceration, psychiatric hospitalization, gratitude house sober living residence or number of moves. The short-term group comprised 39 of the 41 adults with dual disorders who entered the short-term residential program between 1990 and 1991 (5). The small size of our organization enables members to have real knowledge about each other’s facilities, and to provide meaningful guidance to people searching for effective mental health treatment. The resources provided on this site are designed to aid you in your search for the right match.

mental health recovery residence how long stay

In fact, residential care offers adults with mental illness a number of advantages over other mental health treatment settings. Residential treatment settings range from urban apartments to farm-based group homes. They vary in the services they offer, the psychiatric disorders they address, and their treatment approaches.

Sober Living Homes and Halfway Houses

Future research could assess housing environments, a broader range of demographic and individuallevel measures, as well as recovery capital at multiple time points to examine the relationship between housing environments and recovery capital and whether this changes over time and mediates key treatment and recovery outcomes. Ideally, such a study would implement random assignment to recovery housing and non–recovery housing settings, but doing so may present a number of logistical and ethical challenges (Polcin, 2015). Future work would benefit from statistical techniques, such as propensity score matching (Rosenbaum et al., 1973), that could strengthen causal inference. Recovery housing programming includes topic-specific group sessions designed to assist residents in strengthening sober living skills, establishing new routines, practicing relapse prevention strategies, and focusing on transition planning to address potential barriers to healthy recovery. Residents receive weekly coaching and individual counseling beyond that delivered in the concurrent treatment program. Prior to November 2018, a sober coach provided this additional support; beginning in November 2018, a licensed addiction counselor filled this role.

mental health recovery residence how long stay

A number of individuals who have moderate to severe substance use disorders also have toxic environments or stressful living conditions that endanger their recovery. The relapse rate for individuals in recovery from substance use disorders is relatively high, even with formal supports in place. Individuals who simply complete a withdrawal management program and return to old environments are at an increased risk for relapse.

RECOVERY Programs?

Although research is growing on the number and nature of recovery housing across the country, how similar or different this setting may be to other recovery residences that may be used in conjunction with outpatient treatment is unclear. Another limitation is that residents’ characteristics came from administrative data. Although this method allowed us to examine differences between a large number of individuals accessing treatment, it restricted the kinds of information at which we could look. Further, the study had a great deal of missing data on key demographic variables (e.g., race/ethnicity and educational attainment).

mental health recovery residence how long stay

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